Refuge Island no more

I pass by this sign all the time.  It indicates there is an 'island' in the middle of the road where pedestrians may cross more safely and easily.

I took this photo two years ago, when Covid was in full-swing nearly everywhere else in the world, save Vanuatu and a few other places.  It made me think that we on Vanuatu are on a Refuge Island, protected from Covid-19.

That ended about a month ago, as we all knew it inevitably would.  Up until the last month, my experience with Covid-19, like that of most of the people here, has been from reading about it on the Internet, or talking to people in other countries.  We've experienced it like we experience watching a movie.  There's no right or wrong to it, we've just experienced Covid-19 through communication, until now.

And yesterday (08-Apr-2022), the government announced that the borders are opening back up for tourists on July 1.  Refuge no more.

Masks are mandatory now, whenever you go outside.  I don't like wearing a mask, I think most people don't.  And sometimes it seems silly to have to wear one when, for example, you're outside in an ostensibly public space, but you're all alone.  Who are you going to infect, the birds?

But after one day, I found myself forgetting I had it on.  Some of them have little straps that are too tight, but I've found ones that fit better now.  The biggest problem I have with them is that I can't wear one with my reading glasses - the glasses get all fogged up when I wear a mask.

It is harder to recognize people too.  Even Hellen, who is amazingly good at recognizing people, has had difficulty a few times recognizing masked people.

From what I've read, we wear masks for the benefit of other people.  Yes, you protect yourself a little, but it really is something you do 99% for everyone else.  Is that why some people have such a problem with them?  Because they have to do something that is only an inconvenience for them, but benefits other people?

Sometimes I think they're a silly waste of time and money too.  Then I think of the staff at Hellen's store.  If 100 customers visited the store, all maskless, compared to 100 masked customers, our staff would be exposed to much more of the virus.  That doesn't seem fair.  So shouldn't you wear a mask?

It is funny/sad when little children come into the shop.  They're desperately trying to be good, by wearing their mask.  But the adult masks are just too big for them, cover most of their face, and don't stay on. 

A lot of times I think we shouldn't wear them at all, and just let this Covid thing play out and get on with our lives.  But when I read about people 'protesting' masks, I frankly think they sound juvenile.  There are much larger crimes and transgressions going on against our freedoms than having to wear a mask sometimes.  And the people who board an airplane, knowing of the mask rules, then making a big show of their resistance, causing the flight to be delayed for everyone?  Geez.  Grow up.

On the other hand, some people should always wear a mask.

Vanuatu is a different place now, with masks and signs like you've never seen here before.  I'm looking forward to the borders opening back up on July 1, and I think most people share that opinion.  The 2+ years lock-down has had a devastating effect on the economy (read: people's lives), and it just can't go on like this.  But am I still a little frightened about what might happen?  Yes. 

This headline was in response to Vanuatu's 3rd Covid-related death.  Pointing out he was fully vaccinated doesn't inspire confidence in the vaccine.  (He hadn't had the booster btw, and had an unnamed underlying health problem too.)  And there's a nice bit of tombstoning (no pun intended) going on, with the PSA at the bottom telling you that getting vaccinated will protect you.  By the end of 2022, 3 deaths will probably seem such a quaint, innocent sounding number.

But that's what's been so difficult about Covid--it isn't like Polio or the Spanish Flu.  Is Covid that bad?  No.  Can it be that bad, if you have underlying health problems?  Yes.  Do the vaccines work?  Yes, with a big asterisk.  I had 3 shots and got it anyway, and so did Hellen.  Do I believe we're better off with the vaccine?  Yes.  

As far as pandemics go, Covid-19 isn't "all fizz and no gin" exactly, but the hype/hysteria to substantive danger is on the high side.  I think the same could be said about the Covid vaccines, sort of  mediocre solution to a mediocre problem.  At the current rate, are we supposed to keep getting new boosters every 6 months?  Gaaahhh!!!  The US Army is working on a pan-Coronavirus vaccine.  Maybe that will pan out?


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