I havent posted since my last post because the Holiday Inn Wi Fi stopped working, and there was no connectivity at our training village of Epau. We abruptly learned early this afternoon that a tropical storm heading our way was starting to look like a cyclone. The PC evacuated all trainees back to the Port Vila Holiday Inn, and we'll probably be here until Sunday. Maybe the Wi Fi will even keep working. What PCTs fleeing a hurricane look like. So while it may look like we just hang out at this resort, we've all been living with our own host families and having adventures. I've been writing notes on my Ipad about the adventures. I didnt write every night. Most night I didnt write. Many times i am just done with the day, or we have some evening session or function. Anyway, here are the notes I did write. Tip: PST=pre service training, PCV=peace corps volunteer, PCT=peace corps trainee, which is what We are until we're sworn in. Friday, April 21 Today my group, the ...
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