Day 3 on Pele

Today is my mom's birthday.  Happy Birthday Mom!

No photos in this one. Getting pix from an iPad to an Experia Xzs when you don't have Internet or any cables or adapters is tough. They could talk Bluetooth to each other,  but they just don't. Anyway...

Only foot trails connect the four villages of Pele island.
[photo here]

They're easy to walk since all the ground is on the same level.  There are even signs at the points where the trails branch off into a village.  The people of Piliura have setup the entrance to their village from the trail especially nicely.
[photo here]

The island has 4 villages, and is basically a beach town. I've never been someone to hang out on a beach.  The beaches are lovely and you can go swimming. Ok, but then?  I'll be here for 3 weeks and need to figure out what to do. (Yes,  I do realize this is a high-quality problem.)
[photo here]

There is a nearby island to visit, which has an unfinished hotel to explore. I think there is a hill to climb too.

My foot has still not healed.  It continues to be swollen and red. Sometimes it is sore, sometimes not.  Also, I have now not pooped for 4 days.  I have a hunch it has to do with all the antibiotics I have been taking for my foot.  Anyway, that does take the spring out of your step.
[photo here]

One thing about the Peace Corps is that you quickly lose any inhibitions you might have had about talking about pooping. Everyone has issues, and it is best to just talk about them frankly, and with humility and humor.  Stop reading now if you'd like,  because that's where this post is going.

Here's a funny poop story from T'Pau.  Another vol calls it the dog whistle poop story.  I hadn't pooped for 4 days (pro tip: don't eat too much laplap manioc at once).  I really had to go and was straining, when I heard a high-pitched noise in the distance, like a super loud mosquito, or maybe a tiny engine revved up to 15,000rpm.  I spent a few seconds wondering before I realized it was some high pressure gas escaping out of my own butt. There was so little room for it to escape past the blockage, it must have caused the volume of gas to decrease and the velocity to increase to Mach 3 or something.  On the positive side, my high frequency hearing is still pretty good. The End.

PS I am sorry I have these topics all together.


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