Well this is escalating quickly

Donna has already churned herself into a Category 3 Cyclone.

FWIW none of us wanted to come back to the Holiday Inn. It is nice, but we can't leave and we're all going stir crazy. We really would rather have stayed in our respective villages. Its just like Hotel Rwanda!

Worse yet, we're probably going to be evacuated to Australia soon. While I have always wanted to see the place, we will probably be in a similar lock-down situation there. Since my iPhone is dying, I'll see if I can get a new phone for a decent price there. The prices on Vanuatu are really high.

Most of us have diarrhea. And for many of us, including me, while it was manageable in the village, it has worsened along with Donna since we returned to Port Vila. This is surprising because washing one's hands wasn't really a thing in my village.

I haven't mentioned the PC staff here. They're ni-Vanuatu who work for the PC. They're all great and working 2x as hard as anyone. And that's a lot because writing this blog is hard.


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